the reverend linley married her handsome sailor ken, in front of a huge gathering of family and friends at the very special st boniface cathedral. parishoners will tell you that "they knew" romance was in the air between these two lovely people, but ken and linley are able to cite exact dates they became public! the day was emotional, spiritual and ever so happy...
linleys gorgeous gown...

another image of the gown, taken by arty-farty mike...

the delicate bolero, worn by linley, draped across a special chair, image taken by "i can be arty-farty too" kylie...

linley had trouble choosing between sexy-gives-me-blisters shoes and stunning-not-so-hard-on-my-toes-sandals

the lovely bouquet...

the gorgeous bridesmaids bouquet...

a gift fron linleys daughter kristy...

the youngest and brand new grandchild...little delicious baby girl...

the lovely linley...

ken and his grooms - including his brother arthur who - with his wife pauline - flew all the way from the uk for the wedding...

the church ladies excelled in the flower arranging for their reverend...

heres a great image of ken seeing linley enter the cathedral...

one of ken and linleys favourite part of st boniface are the stained glass windows - which is why i posted this image...

and an image of st boniface in all its glory...

just before the kiss...

in full song...

ken and linleys requested "whole church group" shot - we hope you like it!

as so many well wishes attended the nuptials - ken and linley provided afternoon tea (with thanks to the amazing church ladies again) for everyone on the front lawn. here are ken and linley waiting to be announced...
church ladies again - this time with the table decorations...

not sure how they managed it - but ken and linley scored four - count them four! - wedding cakes at their afternoon tea reception...

arriving at the incredible meadowbrooke estate...

time seemed to escape us very quickly and were not able to fit in a grandchildren portrait requested by linley - so i rounded up a few grandies who were running wild and free on the massive lawn and snapped a few images...

once ken and linley had enjoyed some of their magnificant feast (kudos to meadowbrooke - you guys deliver amazing food), we snuck outside for some sunset images...

lovely cake...

this is kendall, linleys daughter - who delivered, without a doubt, the most tear-jerking, emotional from the heart speech we have ever heard - even simon healy - dj marvelous - was in tears...well done love...

then on to some funny speeches where ken was presented with some "proper" glasses...

and a delightful dance under the magic lights...

and just when everyone was about to sit down and enjoy coffee - simon successfully got the party started with some dance moves...

this little fellow is another grandchild and a groover from way back - here showing us his solo elvis number...

to dear ken and linley - your celebration was humourous, moving, thoroughly enjoyable and we were completely over the moon to be your suprised invited guests...thank you for your kindness and for allowing us to share in your most special day...enjoy your new parish in down south donnybrook, we know they will love you both...

the church ladies excelled in the flower arranging for their reverend...

heres a great image of ken seeing linley enter the cathedral...

one of ken and linleys favourite part of st boniface are the stained glass windows - which is why i posted this image...

and an image of st boniface in all its glory...

just before the kiss...

in full song...

ken and linleys requested "whole church group" shot - we hope you like it!

as so many well wishes attended the nuptials - ken and linley provided afternoon tea (with thanks to the amazing church ladies again) for everyone on the front lawn. here are ken and linley waiting to be announced...

not sure how they managed it - but ken and linley scored four - count them four! - wedding cakes at their afternoon tea reception...

arriving at the incredible meadowbrooke estate...

time seemed to escape us very quickly and were not able to fit in a grandchildren portrait requested by linley - so i rounded up a few grandies who were running wild and free on the massive lawn and snapped a few images...

once ken and linley had enjoyed some of their magnificant feast (kudos to meadowbrooke - you guys deliver amazing food), we snuck outside for some sunset images...

lovely cake...

this is kendall, linleys daughter - who delivered, without a doubt, the most tear-jerking, emotional from the heart speech we have ever heard - even simon healy - dj marvelous - was in tears...well done love...

then on to some funny speeches where ken was presented with some "proper" glasses...

and a delightful dance under the magic lights...

and just when everyone was about to sit down and enjoy coffee - simon successfully got the party started with some dance moves...

this little fellow is another grandchild and a groover from way back - here showing us his solo elvis number...

to dear ken and linley - your celebration was humourous, moving, thoroughly enjoyable and we were completely over the moon to be your suprised invited guests...thank you for your kindness and for allowing us to share in your most special day...enjoy your new parish in down south donnybrook, we know they will love you both...
comp update : while mike and simon were plotting simons new blog site ("where's simon" - keep an eye out) kylie snapped the most incredible images!!!
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