they were joined by nicholes huge family (3 sisters and 2 brothers!), martins small family and their charming children, indi and is bella's flowergirl dress that nichole handmade...

luurrvve the bouquets...

while the holiday home was in full swing (organised chaos?) the brothers decided the best place was in the pool...

chatting with bella...

this is nan and pop...(no wonder she chose the hallway mirror!)...very special to nichole and who travelled from afar and despite recent illness to watch their beautiful granddaughter marry her handsome fellow...

we again completely re-arranged the lounge room for a few apologies to the boyfriend who was contently watching the car racing...

the sisters were just itching to start working it for the camera...stay tuned...

a four generation snap before we raced off to the jetty...

martin and indi...wondering why are all these people looking at me...

arriving with dad...

love this image...yes, one of mine...the ceremony was officiated by the uber stylish and the most gorgeous and accomodating cavelle monck...just beautiful cavelle...

and also this of mikes...

joint effort here, mike captured beautiful girls, ocean and birds...1970's post processing by moi...

my fav family shot...but there are more nichole!...just wait for the sunset images!

indi and bella... warming to the strange loud lady with the camera...

mike's gorgeous image of nichole...

martin was reluctant to stray too far away from his guests - and the yummy food - for their location shots, so mike and i scouted for close places a few weeks before and stumbled across this totally amazing abandoned villa...well, we hoped was it was abandoned - we tried all contacts possible to locate an owner to no avail...we were just a little fearful that it had been bought by an outlaw motorcycle gang who were at any minute about to arrive and begin their annual booze and fight club conference...we again reverted to the "beg forgiveness, not ask permission" rule...the following images were soooo worth any trepidation we may have had...we hope you love these arty shots guys...

the entire time we were there i kept expecting a little old lady ghostly face to appear from the turret window...

now here's the thing about serious martin...he is by far the best borat impersonator we have ever come across...seriously the real deal...the only item missing is the lime green mankini - and i even have my suspicions about that!...we would think he was finally exasperated with our weird requests and then a hear a tone perfect "great success"...

as the afternoon proceeded, martins humour started to shine through the wedding haze, especially when mike and martin found this sign at our next location...apologies to all the mums reading...

i had been waiting many weddings for the perfect couple and the perfect location for this image...

artgeo also had a pretty deck with pretty tree...

where nichole whispered sweet nothings and made martin grin...

mike's stunning silouhette image...

more of nichole's creativity with these exquisite cupcakes...

several invited guests were of mcuh smaller stature - and we had a great time recording some antics on the deck during twilight...this little boys eyes were as blue as the sea behind us...

and these little twin girls - who most of the time ran rings around their parents - secretly tried to open the love heart chocolates with borrowed knives...but it's ok - i managed to inform the mum of the impending danger - just after i had taken the shot...

pretty girls in pretty dresses dancing a pretty dance...

and dear sweet little indi playing chasy...

a generation photo of the men...

our humble apologies to nichole - as she was only 3/4 of the way through her superb fish dinner...but we just could not pass up on this gorgeous sunset...
another of mikes images...yes, in case you are wondering he did pretty much whup my butt this this family shot...i'm thinking large, very large, enlargement for this one nichole...

and because the day is all about nichole (sorry martin - but we did warn you...) here is a pensive nichole in a little tungsten light - taken by bloody mike...

and just for the models of the afternoon - here is a closing shot of the sisters and friends - still looking damn fine...
martin and nichole, it was very important to us that we captured your individuality, your love for your children and your devotion to each other - we hope we have achieved this for you guys fit together like a piece of indi's well worn lego...

and because the day is all about nichole (sorry martin - but we did warn you...) here is a pensive nichole in a little tungsten light - taken by bloody mike...

and just for the models of the afternoon - here is a closing shot of the sisters and friends - still looking damn fine...

thank you for treating us as invited guests, we enjoyed every mouthful, and meeting and chatting with your amazing friends and family. so happy that your honeymoon was spent eating and drinking and enjoying each others fabulous company...see you both again at the biggest park in australia!
if you havent guessed already (i did actually take some images this day) mike was incredible in his composition and ideas for martin and nichole...inspired, i'm sure, by the continual praise from borat...
She looks completely AMAZING!!! You guys have done the most spectacular job.... Love it Love it Love it!
Bring on September I say
YAYNESS!!! You guuuuuys! I'm sooo thrilled...I've been checking your blog about 10 times a day and I was sitting here going "please please please let them be there today" and hooraaaay! They are. They look so fantastic...(secretly Clare Day is checking them out also and she said she was in tears!!)
LOVE the arty shots! I think I've just spent a fortune texting all the family and friends to come and check these out.
You were both so fantastic, everyone was talking for days about how great you both were, especially with the kids! Thank you so much for capturing our special day so perfectly.
WOW! simply amazing!
thankyou so much, you helped make it such a special day!
can't wait to see more
Hayley ! (The blonde sister!) :D
What can I say? Simply awesome. Love the one with the little girls, love the one with the 1970 beach shot, love the arty farty gothic thingie's, love it all..
Last shots were astonishing, hey!
....and I haven't seen any shoes! Where are the shoes?
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