link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog - check
share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why - done see below
tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs - okely dokely tim
let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog - alrighty then...
5 songs:
- pour some sugar on me - def lepard...not only am i embarrassed to let you know that this is mikes fav song from his fav band (we have hysteria on lp, tape and cd) ~ but also by the fact that mike knows the words, sings it loud and thinks it's sexy! lawsie mercy...
- daydream believer - anne mum loves elvis, really bad country music, elvis, anne murray and elvis; i clung to anne murray and when the nurses in the special care nursery told new mums to sing to their premmie babes, for some strange reason, this is the only song i could remember the words to...
- oomba bahroomba - playschool crew...we try our damndest to play abbe may, edie brickell, the shins, the audreys, john butler or triple j when travelling, but our car stereo is owned by our 3 year old and all 8 of us know all the words to 62 play school tunes...
- hey boy hey girl - chemical brothers...a super great vacuuming song ~ but not great when your teenagers have friends visiting and you attempt a remote sense of coolness by dancing and singing to chemical brothers and it just turns out all so wrong...
- barracuda - heart, footloose - kenny loggins, jessies girl - rick springfield, ant music - adam and the ants, wham - wake me up before you pick just one combined embarrasing song was a super difficult choice...we are both embarrassed to admit we exclaimed with glee "aaahhh-yes!" to these 5 songs that brought back mega sweet memories of rollerskating in small town halls with 8.30 curfews, high school discos with holding sweaty hands and stolen kisses and church group!
so now to tag 5 others bloggers...and we thought dang it - lets tag some famous, oh we so totally admire and blog stalk religiously super stars and see what happens!
- Christian Fletcher - in mikes ideal world, days would be spent taking landscape images and talking to uber awesome photogs like christian...the most beautiful gallery...if you are in dunsborough check it out...
- Jamie Schultz - unbelievable photog from minneapolis...stunning portraits, we just love her high school senior website...and her design templates are incredible...
- Fred Egan - looooove this his work, his music taste (listen to his itunes mix always) his writing, his vibrance, his love for life and family and his uber cool overall style!
- Bobbi + Mike - fun, fun, fun husband and wife couple from the US...amaaaaaazing photogs and bobbi so writes exactly how i talk!!! gorgeous images, gorgeous people...
- Jerry Ghionis - the big kahuna...our idol and inspiration...we met jerry at a seminar in perth and - as corny as it sounds - he changed our lives...his work is to die for and his advice is worth your first born...mike so wants a "jerry" photo of himself on the blog - check out jerry's blog and then see the image below for similarities....great success...

Of course Mike's gorgeous. It's all down to the genes on the Robinson side, see! Something must have gone wrong with his musical preferences, though...........but I suppose everyone can't be perfect.
Looking good Bro!
Luv Deb x
Love the website, but how come it appears Kyles is doing all the work and Mike is just posing with his camera!
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