over the last few weeks we have finalised proof albums with our gorgeous and amazing couples from an awesome 07/08 wedding season, and we have met the most incredible couples from a very-close-to-sellout-08/09 wedding season...many were referred by said first couples (thanks guys - vouchers to you from us are immenient!). some also met us at the sanctuary expo, said hello, had a chat, and fell in love with us...woo-hoo...
anyhoo...during many a late night scrolling other photogs marketing expertise...i came across this perfectly written piece of advice for couples and so aptly in tune with where we are at present...re-printed with kind permission from the oh-so-famous-james day himself...minus the swear word!...lol...
Hey Folks,
Here are some tips that I hope help people who are yet to make a decision about who to use as their wedding photographer.
Things to look for (in my extremely biased opinion)
1. The images.It might come as a bit of a surprise, but I think people often overlook the actual quality and creativity and level of talent that goes into wedding photography. It’s my concern that some might get caught up in price and actually miss out on a great value product because someone down the road is $200 cheaper & throwing in a few free prints.. and simply forget about who’s images inspire them.
2. How well you get on with the photographer.If you simply don’t gel with the photographer, then don’t except the best from this photographer. How can you be comfortable with being yourself on your most special day when you feel the photographer is a right p***k?
3. The service.Can you get your questions answered easily with no fuss? Does the photographer show a real interest in you and your plans?
4. The finished product.Are the samples you are seeing inspiring you? You’ve gotta love the presentation.
5. The photographer’s passionThis is a bit of a funny one which is hard to explain.. but I really feel that when someone hires me that they hire me for my passion to create stunning imagery. I can honestly say that some of the happiest times of my life has been during a wedding when I create images which I know will be the source of excitement for my new clients whom I love!
Ok, that’s the simple list.. Basically I’m just wanting to encourage people to look beyond price, and pretend you’re 5 years into the future looking back at your wedding photos. What type of photos do you want to look back on? Will you care about a few hundred bucks in 5 years time? I’ll let you answer that one.
and because no post should be without a photo...heres a couple of the very few photos of me and mike together...from what feels like a lifetime ago...must call in a few favours and have us those cool "headshots" taken!!!...for all those lovely couples who have booked us "sight unseen!"...trust me...we look incredibly professional in real life...

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